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Smoked Meats

We brought you the massive 1.4kg tomahawk steak, now we present you American-style BBQ meats!


Smoked meats platter available for order for your parties! Scroll down for more info.


beef brisket

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beef ribs

Why is Smoked Meats so rare in Singapore?


Meats are smoked in an oven, low and slow, for over 12 hours. It is a laborious, and time-consuming process that not many are equipped to do. The coals have to be tended to every 90 minutes or so.



The first 8 hours of smoking infuses the smokey flavour into the meats, creating a flavourful bark and pink smoke ring. The final 8 hours render the fats completely, so the meats are fully tender and remain moist. No knife needed when you eat it!


T Bob's Corner @ Victoria St

*Weekend special*

Smoked brisket available Friday-Sunday. Limited numbers available.

Call: +65 64498527​




T Bob's Backyard @ Changi

Available Monday-Sunday.


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